Google Maps as your Webpage Background

Learn how you can embed Google Maps in the background on your web page, keeping the interactive maps. A contact form can be stacked in a layer above .
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This is a demonstration of how to contact that includes a Google map in the background. You are not using an image static display Google Maps in the background , but the map is interactive - you can zoom in and out , drag the orange man to turn street view , or even switch between satellite view and Maps view .

Contact Form with Google Maps

Basically , there are two layers of the page - one is the map and the other is the way - and we are using the z -index CSS property to define the stacking order . The form has a high z of Google Maps and therefore the latter appears in the background . Let's look at the actual code now .

HTML - There are two DIV elements - the map are rendered within the element with ID # googlemaps while everything is added inside # contactform be shown on the form. You can even embed a Google form here .


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